Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Outdoor Advertising and Branding | OOH Media in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu is a southern state of India which is supremely rich in culture. Outdoor Advertising in Tamil Nadu has been the traditional way of promoting a product or service since 1960.
The traditional outdoor media in Tamil Nadu are as below
  • Bus Shelter Advertising
  • Center Medians
  • Pole Kiosks
Bus Shelter Advertising is not only economy-friendly but also socio-friendly, as the promotion is safe to the public and campaigned at a budget. The use of public transport and amenities for advertising are popular by virtue of their positioning at the prime and peak time when public is on the move. Shelters are the spots where a huge number of people gather before and after work. It is also accounted as a “24-hour power advertising” medium targeting a local audience round the clock.
Center Medians Advertising guarantees high exposure to a moving audience. They are used as a marketing and branding strategy to generate leads on the products and services. Also to promote budding new brands or businesses, center medians are an effective outdoor media platform.
Pole Kiosks are similar to center medians as they are also aligned in a sequence, but at a slightly higher elevation. Pole Kiosks are predominantly used for branding promotions. They are placed in between center medians, and are used in combination with them while executing launches and massive branding activity, by displaying the product on the median and the logo on the kiosk.
Outdoor Advertising in Tamil Nadu
Vantage Advertising is one of the best Outdoor Advertising Companies in Tamil Nadu with 50 and more years of experience in outdoor aesthetics and innovation, simultaneously setting benchmarks for the outdoor advertising industry.